Drag the link to to your links bar and you can search any text from to
Use the MS-Word macro below to translate from to
Sub $1$2()
Dim I, j, l, m, csc As Double
Dim s1, badr1, cs, t As String
badr1 = "/$1-$2/"
s1 = Trim(LCase(Selection.Text))
If Len(s1) = 1 Then End
cs = ""
For I = 1 To Len(s1)
t = Mid$(s1, I, 1)
If t <> " " Then
cs = cs & t
badr1 = badr1 & cs
cs = "%20"
End If
Next I
If cs > "" Then badr1 = badr1 & Trim(cs)
ActiveDocument.FollowHyperlink (badr1)
End Sub
Place this form on your website to translate from to
<form method="post" action="/$1-$2/" style="text-align:left;line-height:1.15;padding:10px;border:solid 1px #e2ded6;background:#fff;width:278px" target="_blank">
<input type="text" style="width:100%" name="q" value="Translate from $3 to $4 here..." data-default="Translate from $3 to $4 here..." onfocus="if(this.value==this.getAttribute('data-default')){this.value=''}" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value=this.getAttribute('data-default')}">
<input type="submit" style="float:right" value="Search"><span style="font-size:10px">Powered by <a href="http://www.magicsearch.org/" target="_blank">magicsearch.org </a></span>
<div style="clear:right"></div>
Search multiple sources (dictionaries, corpora, machine translation engines, fora, search engines) with a single click with this multilingual metasearch engine. Select a language pair and submit a search. MagicSearch will display a single scrollable page with multiple sources. You can click on each source button as it changes its colour (=loads) to move to the respective source. MagicSearch remembers the language pair you selected the next time you visit the site (using a cookie).
You can customize the order of the dictionaries, as well as add/remove dictionaries (just click on the gear icon to display the settings).
There is also a Chrome extension you can install (then press ALT+double click on a word to look it up); or, and this is easier, just select your language pair, click on the Any Browser link and then drag the language pair link to your links bar. Each time you select a word and click on that link on your links bar, it will open a new tab with search results of that specific language pair. If you search for another word, the existing browser tab will refresh with the new search results. For more info, visit the Help page